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Open Education Week

#textbookbroke Open Educational Resources (OER) are an alternative to traditional commercial textbooks. OER are freely available to students digitally. So, what's the catch? Well, there isn't one really, other than to say that OER is a movement and needs your help!
  • OER exist for many courses and subjects, but there are still courses and subjects where no OER exist yet.
  • As OER become more popular across the U.S. and internationally, the more resources become available as faculty and students create them.
  • In Colorado, the Governor and funding are backing OER.
  • It's time to start talking about OER and how UNC can move towards greater OER adoption.
Add your thoughts to the following two online bulletin boards and a short survey to start thinking about the true cost of textbooks.
  1. Instead of spending $ on textbooks this semester, I could have spent money on...
  2. The most money I ever spent on textbooks in one semester was...
  3. Are you #textbookbroke?

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