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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Why OER?

Interested in how OER have played a pivotal role in making education more diverse, equitable, and inclusive? Watch the video below to learn more about the important intersections of OER and DEI.



  • OER provide free access to educational materials, which benefits historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students.
  • Because OER are generally published outside traditional publishing systems, they provide the opportunity for diverse authorship and voices sometimes overlooked in traditional publishing. This brings varied perspectives, making educational content relatable to a broad spectrum of students.


  • OER have open licenses, which means that instructors can adapt the content to fit their students’ needs – rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all model in traditional course materials.
  • Most OER are available on the web, which allows for anyone – whether in a traditional classroom or not – to use them. This opens the door for greater learning and development, regardless of one’s financial resources or access to higher education.

Inclusivity ​​​​​​​

  • The digital-first nature of OER means that accessibility features can be “baked in” from the beginning, allowing those who use assistive technology full access to the course materials.
  • Open pedagogy, facilitated by OER, empowers students to be directly involved in education by helping create course content, rather than just consuming it.
  • Ready access to OER texts authored by BIPOC, women, and marginalized communities fosters a culture of inclusion.

"Diversity" by WBcreative, The Noun Project is licensed under CC BY 3.0

"social equity" by Nithinan Tatah, The Noun Project is licensed under CC BY 3.0

"inclusive workforce" by gravisio, The Noun Project is licensed under CC BY 3.0