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LibGuide Best Practices

Information for making LibGuides responsive, accessible, and usable.

Summer 2021 Updates

During Summer 2021, we encourage all LibGuide owners to check their guides for the following issues and make updates as needed:

  • Broken Links

  • If you received an email at the end of June about broken links in your guides, please update them as soon as possible.

  • We also encourage you to also check all other links in your guides by clicking on them. (SpringShare does have a link checking tool, but it is not 100% accurate.)

  • Outdated information

    • Please take a few moments to read through your guides, checking for any outdated information.

  • Accessibility (as time allows, please check to ensure that your guides are developed in a way that allows all students to use them)

  • You can use WAVE (web accessibility evaluation tool) to check the accessibility of your guides.

  • If you use different colors in your guides, use the WebAIM Contrast Checker to ensure that users with low vision can easily see your guides.

  • SpringShare offers recorded training sessions if you want to learn more about making accessible guides and other topics. (Scroll through the list or search "Accessibility.")

Please see the list of frequently viewed guides below. We encourage you to update your high-use guides first. Contact Natasha Floersch with any questions. Thank you!

List of public LibGuides sorted by number of views, March 2020-February 2021:

LibGuide Training & Help

UL Libraries


Writing Guides

Image Sources

Accessibility Information & Checkers