CIA World Factbook - Basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.
Country Statistical Yearbooks Guide - A research guide out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison that provides links to country statistical yearbooks or similar data collections.
Mergent Online Country Profiles - Freely available profiles can be found by country name in the drop-down box on the right side of the basic search page.
European Union Country Profiles - Information on EU countries, government and society, countries using the euro, members of border-free travel area.
Country Insights - Overviews of culture and etiquette around the world. Created by Canada's Centre for Intercultural Learning.
Human Development Index (HDI) - Part of the United Nations Development Programme, the HDI was created to assess the development of countries on factors other than economic growth. Key dimensions of human development include: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and have a decent standard of living.
International Trade Administration: Research by Country - Designed to educate U.S companies about doing business in a particular country. Home of Country Commercial Guides.
U.S. Department of State - Resources on U.S. relations and policies with foreign countries. Select a country under the "Countries & Areas" menu.
Atlas of Economic Complexity - Harvard Growth Lab’s research and data visualization tool used to understand the economic dynamics and new growth opportunities for every country worldwide.
The World Bank: Doing Business Archive - Provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement abroad. The archive covers 2004-2020.
The World Bank: Business Enabling Environment (BEE) Project - This project replaces the "Doing Business" guides and is still in development.
Library of Congress Guides to Law Online - A guide that collects online resources on legal matters and governance by nation.
Thomson Reuters Practical Law - Find overviews of legal systems, tax law, intellectual property, and more by country.
Deloitte Tax Guides - Tax and highlights guides by country.