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Elsevier Journal Negotiations for 2021 and Beyond

This guide serves as a repository of information for interested campus individuals to learn more about the current negotiations between the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries and Elsevier

Overview and Disclaimer

Library vendors, Elsevier included, provide libraries with a myriad of data concerning the usage of content at each campus. Because UNC purchases several different kinds of content from Elsevier, and because researchers take several ways to access this content (sometime circumnavigating University Libraries), no single data file can be provided to so the complete use of Elsevier journal content on our campus. We are also aware that the current and last semester are unlike any other. Therefore, we fully expect the usage patterns of spring 2020 to be different than previous years.

While a complete picture cannot be shared, we hope the files below will be useful to interested persons.

Total Article Downloads by Title