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Plagiarism Education: For UNC Faculty

Class Quiz

Assign the Plagiarism Guide!

We recommend assigning this guide to students when you assign them a paper.  The videos and other tutorials will give them an overview of how to avoid plagiarism before they begin their writing assignments.  

In addition, University Libraries offers an Undergraduate Research Tutorial that includes information about plagiarism. See more information below.

Canvas Module

The Undergraduate Research Tutorial is available in Canvas Commons.  You can import individual modules or the entire tutorial into your Canvas course.  Module 5 of the tutorial covers plagiarism.  Go to the Commons (bottom left of the Canvas navigation menu) and search for "Undergraduate Research Tutorial."  Click here for complete instructions on how to import the tutorial or selected modules into your Canvas course

If you have any questions about this Plagiarism Guide or the Undergraduate Research Tutorial, please contact Natasha Floersch (