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RETIRED - Journal Publication Information

This guide provides resources related to metrics of scholarship for authors of journal articles. It includes journal directories, journal ranking, citation analysis, and core journal lists.

This guide has been retired and replaced.

Please visit the updated guide at

What stage are you in?  Looking for a place to publish?  On the verge of signing a publication agreement?  Or needing to measure the impact of your research?  This guide is for you, the academic writer.

This guide provides resources related to metrics of scholarship for authors of journal articles. It includes journal directories, journal evaluation and ranking, citation analysis, and core journal lists.  For more information, contact your subject librarian.

Promotion- and Tenure-Related Resources for Faculty

Fund for Faculty Publications - Up to $2000 is available to UNC faculty for charges incurred in publishing peer reviewed journal articles

Information and Forms for Faculty - From UNC’s Office of the Provost

The American Association of University Professors - Offers statements, recommendations, and resources on tenure

The National Education Association - Even more tenure-related resources