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Business Tutorials & Supplements

Find tutorials for using business resources and materials used in library sessions by course number.

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  1. “Re-visiting BMI as an Enabler of Strategic Intent and Organizational Resilience, Robustness, and Remunerativeness” (Carayannis, E. G., Grigoroudis, E., & Stamati, D., 2017). 
  2. “Successful turnarounds: the role of appropriate entrepreneurial strategies” (Panicker, S., & Manimala, M. J., 2015).
  3. “Empowering Organisations to Gain From Uncertainty: a Conceptualisation of Antifragility Through Leveraging Organisational Routines in Uncertain Environments” (Munoz, A., Todres, M., & Rook, L., 2021).
  4. “Incorporating MCDS and voting into SWOT – basic idea and experiences” (Kangas, J. J., Kajanus, M., Leskinen, P., & Kurttila, M., 2016).
  5. “From Just-in-Time, to Just-in-Case, to Just-in-Worst-Case: Simple Models of a Global Supply Chain under Uncertain Aggregate Shocks” (Jiang, B., Rigobon, D., & Rigobon, R., 2021). 
  6. “Constructing continuity across the organisational culture boundary in a highly virtual work environment” (Asatiani, A., Hämäläinen, J., ..., 2020)
  7. “Humans and Technology: Forms of Conjoined Agency in Organizations” (Murray, A., Rhymer, J., & Sirmon, D. G., 2021). 

Analyze the Literature Review

Complete the following for the article you selected above:

  • Sketch an outline of their literature review
  • Select a scholarly article they cite
    • How many times to they cite this article?
    • Where do they show up in your outline?
    • Find the full text for this article
  • How many times has your original article been cited?

Additional Information on Lit Reviews

