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OER & Low-Cost Course Materials for Business Studies

Open Educational Resources and lower-cost alternatives for teaching business course in higher education.

Books in Our Library with Cases

Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases
Business Ethics: Business Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations
Business ethics: Case studies and selected readings
The case for cases: Teaching with cases
Case studies for corporate finance: From A (Anheuser) to Z (Zyps)
Case Studies on Social Marketing
A Casebook of Transformational and Transactional Leadership
Cases and Exercises in Organization Development and Change
Cases in Finance
Cases in Human Resource Management
Cases in Leadership, 5th ed.
Cases in Leadership
Cases in Nonprofit Management
Cases in Organizational and Managerial Communication
China's technology innovators: Selected cases on creating and staying ahead of business trends
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues and Cases
Developing Insights on Branding in the B2B Context
E-business and supply chain integration: Strategies and case studies from industry
Ethical issues in business: Inquiries, cases, and readings
Ethics in marketing: International cases and perspectives
Followership in Action
Global Human Resource Management Casebook, 2nd ed.
Global Human Resource Management Casebook
A handbook of case studies in finance
International Cases in the Business of Sport
International Human Resource Management
Leadership in practice: Theory and cases in leadership character
Management Cases
Managing Inter-Organizational Relations
Progressive Business Models: Creating Sustainable and Pro-Social Enterprise
Project Management Case Studies, 5th ed.
Project Management Case Studies
Resisting Corporate Corruption
Strategic Management Accounting: A Practical Guidebook with Case Studies
Strategic marketing cases in emerging markets
Strategic marketing: Concepts and cases
Strategic Retail Management: Text and International Cases
Trade tales: Decoding customers' stories
Venturing in International Firms

Cases - Add'l Info

Helpful TipsFor more information on the case books above, such as case length and instructor materials, see this spreadsheet.

Search Databases for Cases

ABI/INFORM Global Database
  1. Click "Advanced Search"
  2. Click the checkbox next to "Business Case"  in the document type box at the bottom of the page
  3. Add keywords, search terms, and other parameters as desired
  4. Click "Search"


Business Source Premier Database
  1. Click "Advanced Search"
  2. Click the checkbox next to "Case Study" in the document type section on the lower right of the screen
  3. Add keywords, search terms, and other parameters as desired
  4. Click "Search"


Also try using keyword searches in these and other business databases. For example: "case studies and airlines" or "case studies and management". Full-text articles and abstracts are available depending on the publication or journal.

Web Resources for Cases

Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Case – An online library of simple, straightforward business cases focused on principle-based ethics. These resources are free to download for use in educational settings. See also the University of New Mexico resources.

MIT Sloan School of Management – Free cases in the areas of entrepreneurship, leadership/ethics, operations management, strategy, sustainability, and system dynamics. Educators can register for free access to teaching notes and videos that accompany cases.

The Case Centre – A list of sources for free cases, as well as traditionally-priced cases, available from many major international business schools and publishers.

Stanford Graduate School of Business – Offers some of its case studies free of charge. Click "Narrow your results" under the search bar and scroll down to the checkbox next to "Available to download at no charge" under the availability section.

Merlot – Contains many types of open materials for business and other disciplines. This link will take you to a results page for business case studies.

Business Case Studies – Case studies, teaching resources, and more on topics such as finance, marketing, strategy, and external environments.

Business Ethics Case Analyses – A blog that focuses on the ethics of current controversies.

MarketingSherpa – A research institute specializing in tracking what works in all aspects of marketing. Choose "Case Studies" as the content type in the filters.

Nanyang Technopreneurship Case Centre 25 cases highlighting the problems faced by technopreneurs in growing business ventures.

Society of Human Resources Management – Cases and learning modules for use by HR educators at the undergraduate or graduate levels.