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OER & Low-Cost Course Materials for Business Studies

Open Educational Resources and lower-cost alternatives for teaching business course in higher education.

Open Textbooks

OER and open textbook sources listed on this page represent a variety of models. Some educational resources are truly open and freely accessible, while others may be available under a significantly lower pricing structure. Cost, adaptability, and use will depend on the specific title and provider.

Below are a few quick links to the business content of larger OER discovery websites. To browse even more collections, visit our Open Educational Resources Guide.

Merlot: Business Community Portal

OASIS: Business Textbooks

OER Commons: Business and Communication

OpenStax: Business

Open Textbook Library: Accounting & Finance

Open Textbook Library: Business

Open Textbook Library: Computer Science & Information Systems

Mason OER Metafinder - Search across many of the above OER discovery sites at once

New 3rd edition of Fundamentals of Business open textbook