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Dissertation Prep

Dissertation Prep Fall 2022 - Save the Date!

October 13th, 19th, & 25th, 2022 • Evenings on Zoom

Thursday, October 13th


Session 1 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
How I Finished My Dissertation
Presented by Dr. Dannon Cox

This session is for everyone contemplating, preparing for, working on, or in the process of finishing their dissertation. Get the play-by-play of how spring 2020 University of Northern Colorado graduate Dannon Cox finished his dissertation and earned his Ph.D. in Sport Pedagogy. Learn how to avoid the common pitfalls that delay many students in their dissertation process and embrace moving purposefully towards the finish line. Dannon offers advice from the trenches to assist doctoral students in removing or bypassing the obstacles that often plague students in the dissertation process. 

Session moderated by Maggie Shawcross, University Libraries.

Session 2 | 6:10 PM - 7:10 PM
Identifying Literature Efficiently:
Literature Reviews, Citation Tracing, & Search Alerts

Presented by Professor Stephanie Wiegand

The growth of scientific knowledge shared through scholarly venues (journals, books, conference proceedings, etc.) is exponential, with an estimated rate of over 4% per year that indicates a doubling of scientific outputs approximately every 17 years (Bornmann et al., 2021). Each year, doctoral students face the overwhelming task of reviewing the ever-increasing literature in their field that is relevant to their topic. There are, however, efficient methods identifying the most important literature on a given subject. Join UNC librarians to learn how to take advantage of previously conducted literature reviews, tracing scientific knowledge backwards and forwards from a specific point in time and setting up databases and search engines to keep you on top of any new literature published on your topic. 

Session moderated by Professor Jen Mayer, University Libraries.


Wednesday, October 19th


Session 3 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Imposter Syndrome
Presented by Dr. Heather Helm

This presentation will outline the influence and impact of the imposter phenomenon on the dissertation process. The imposter phenomenon can impact an individual’s motivation and persistence, not to mention self-efficacy and interpersonal relationships. Participants will gain an understanding of the phenomenon and ways to manage the impact.

Session moderated by Graduate & Faculty Support Specialist Cheyenne Hassebrock, UNC Graduate School.

Session 4 | 6:10 PM - 7:10 PM
Editing Your Own Writing and Working with Editors
Presented by Dr. Roger Austin

In this session, students will learn techniques to make their own writing more readable and efficient while assuring that they are meeting with professional writing conventions. Concepts discussed will include combining and separating sentences intelligently; using stylistic edits to enhance your writing and making one’s writing concise, precise, and correct. 

Session moderated by Professor Stephanie Wiegand, University Libraries. 


Tuesday, October 25th


Session 5 | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Preparing and Submitting Your Dissertation or Thesis:
From Committee, Defense, Review, and onto Graduation

Presented by Carol Steward, Thesis and Dissertation Specialist

In this Q&A session, UNC's Thesis & Dissertation Specialist will answer questions about dissertation and scholarly project reviews, UNC formatting guidelines, required forms, and more! Students are welcome to ask questions about all aspects of the review process, such as how to format their documents in Microsoft Word. In addition, Carol will address issues with creating tables and figures, generating the table of contents, formatting lists of tables or figures, and research questions. 

Session moderated by Financial Award and Thesis and Dissertation Specialist GA Kay Cypret, UNC Graduate School.

Session 6 | 6:10 PM - 7:10 PM
Mixed Methods Research
Presented by Dr. Randy Larkins

Applied Statistics and Research Methods professor Randy Larkins will provide tips on designing a mixed methods research study and analyzing the results.  

Session moderated by Graduate & Faculty Support Specialist Cheyenne Hassebrock, UNC Graduate School.

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