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What is research impact?

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"...the demonstrable contribution that excellent research makes to society and the economy.

This can include both:

  • academic impact, which is the demonstrable contribution that excellent social and economic research makes in shifting understanding and advancing scientific method, theory and application across and within disciplines
  • economic and societal impact, which is the demonstrable contribution that excellent social and economic research has on society and the economy, and its benefits to individuals, organisations or nations."1


Demonstrating research impact depends on purpose and audience — meaning that how we describe the impact of a particular research project or activity may change based on contextual circumstances. Common circumstances include:

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  • Prospective students
  • Peer researchers
  • Institution administration
  • Government agencies
  • Hiring committees
  • General public
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  • Securing funding & support
  • Performance evaluations
  • Promotion
  • Accreditation
  • Marketing
  • Recruiting collaborators

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Many countries and institutions consider impact to be only that which makes contributions outside of academia (such as changes to policy or practice). This is an important distinction depending on your collaborators, funders, or audience.

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  1. Economic and Social Research Council. (2022, June 23). Defining impact. Retrieved July 5, 2022, from

Levels of Impact Description

There are four basic levels on which we seek to describe impact. The appropriate methods for doing so also depend on the level we are attempting to describe.

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  • Output - The impact of a single work, such as a journal article, which may have one or multiple authors.
  • Author - The cumulative impact of all of the works that a single individual has written or created.
  • Group - The cumulative impact of a defined set of related authors, such as a research group, department, university, or institution.
  • Venue - The impact of a particular publication, such as an academic journal, often based on the cumulative impact of works it has published.

This guide focuses on the levels of Output, Author, and Group. For details on Venue impact, see our guide Journal Publication Outlets.

Tools & Resources

Metrics Toolkit logo

The Metrics Toolkit provides evidence-based information about research metrics across disciplines, including how each metric is calculated, where you can find it, and how each should (and should not) be applied. You’ll also find examples of how to use metrics in grant applications, CV, and promotion packages.

OurResearch Logo

OurResearch is an organization that supports open research through a variety of tools and websites. Projects include:

  • Impactstory Profiles: A researcher impact profile that highlights the impact of Open Science activities. 
  • Paperbuzz: An open source of altmetrics data, based on Crosref Event Data.
  • Depsy: An analytic platform to show the full impact of research software.

SPARC logo

SPARC is a non-profit advocacy organization that supports systems for research and education that are open by default and equitable by design. Their popular resources include a primer that can be found on their Article Level Metrics page.


International Perspectives on Research Impact and Excellence





United Kingdom

United States


Image Credits:

Domino photo by Bradyn Trollip on Unsplash
Purpose by Phonlaphat Thongsriphong from
Human by Phonlaphat Thongsriphong from
Warning image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Atmosphere image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Pixel cells image by Manfred Steger from Pixabay