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Library Workshops & Webinars

Library Workshops on Demand

Concise sessions for scholars, researchers, & creators.
At your convenience in 30-minute sessions face-to-face or virtually.     
Great for faculty groups, departments, & graduate students.


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Scholarship & Creative Works @ Digital UNC:
Why and How to Submit Your Work to
UNC’s Institutional Repository
This workshop offers an overview of institutional repositories (IRs), how they differ from disciplinary repositories and academic social networking sites, and how faculty can benefit from submitting their work to the UNC IR. Relevant copyright issues (including publisher policies); the difference between pre-prints, post-prints, and publisher versions; and strategies for negotiating with publishers to share one or more of these versions in an IR will also be discussed. Learn the process for submitting works to Scholarship & Creative Works @ Digital UNC.
An Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Pedagogy
Open education resources (OER) can provide a solution to the rising costs of course materials, reimagine traditional pedagogical approaches, and improve student retention and success. This interactive workshop presents specific examples of how OER and open pedagogy can empower learners in a course. Explore how to locate and evaluate disciplinary OER, consider the benefits and challenges of incorporating open content into teaching, and learn tips for designing student-centered open pedagogy projects.

Condensed Copyright for Academics: The Basics
This workshop provides an overview of basic copyright law for scholars, covering the spirit and letter of the law, original constitutional purpose, and personal motivations and professional and ethical pressures to conform and comply. Institutional and publishers’ policies regarding copyright (e.g., UNC Board of Trustees Manual, IT-click through notifications, database notifications, and the like) are reviewed, and the statutes and interpretations that apply to scholars and educators are highlighted. The resources of the federal government’s Copyright Office are featured, as well as resources available in the University Libraries Copyright LibGuide.


Condensed Copyright for Academics: Employing Fair Use 
This workshop focuses on the Fair Use Doctrine in federal copyright law that grants scholars freedoms and protections. The reasoning of use for “educational purposes” will be replaced with a systematic procedure, and participants can begin to implement that procedure immediately to ensure their copyright compliance. In addition to covering when and how the four factors of fair use should be applied, a range of alternatives fair use and examples of best practices promulgated by communities of practice will be discussed.

Condensed Copyright for Graduate Students: Thesis & Dissertation Writing 
Authors of dissertations and theses encounter copyright as both users and creators—often while they are busy navigating a myriad of other new tasks. This workshop demystifies what graduate students need to know about copyright compliance, including the proper use of others’ work, innovative licensing options, publisher policies and agreements, and factors that affect the use of their own work once published.


Condensed Copyright for Instructors: Classroom Compliance 
Sometimes instructors operate with the assumption that all the materials used in teaching situations are exempt from copyright regulations. Unfortunately, this is not always true. This workshop provides useful knowledge about best copyright compliance practices when using Canvas, library reserves, fair use, and the Teach Act. Learn to navigate copyright law with confidence while continuing to use the materials needed to teach students effectively.  


Research Data Management Basics
In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of managing, sharing, and preserving research data, including best practices for storing data, describing data, and creating a data management plan. Data management services provided by the UNC Libraries and other campus units will be discussed.



Impact I: What is Impact?
Impact describes the reach and influence of scholarship and is useful in evaluations, tenure and promotion, accreditation, funding, and recruitment. This workshop reviews the scope of metrics, tools, and strategies that are most common in academia, as well as what’s on the horizon concerning alternative metrics. Discuss how an individual's scholarship fits into the broader concept of impact, but also the challenges and controversies surrounding impact metrics.
Impact II: Promoting Your Research and Increasing Your Impact
Managing your online presence as a researcher is a crucial step to connecting with collaborators, advancing a research agenda, and landing positions. Researcher profiles such as ORCID, Researcher ID, and Google Scholar profiles enable other scholars to find and track an individual's work, as well as keep track of one's own outputs and career. Many researcher profiles also calculate impact metrics and connect with social media. Construct a plan that incorporates the best tools, promotes scholarship, and garners greater impact.

Publishing Options for Academic Authors: The Basics
The academic publishing landscape for monographs, journals, and other publication types is more confusing today than ever before, ranging from traditional commercial publishing to fully open publishing through university and other non-profit platforms.  Following a brief introduction to the variety of publishing options, join a discussion of the implications of publication model choice for authors and the scholarly record. 

Choosing the Best Journal for Your Manuscript
In a landscape of illegitimate publishers, journal impact factors, required open access, and author fees, determining which journal to submit a manuscript to can be a complex calculation. Explore the many factors that influence publication venue choice and how to prioritize the most important publication factors in specific situations. Identify tools for reviewing journals and publishers in order to make informed decisions.

Open Access: What You Need to Know
The Open Access (OA) movement arose as a reaction to problems with the traditional publishing system, and this workshop provides an overview of the history and purpose of OA. The three main types of OA publishing (green, gold, and hybrid) are discussed, along with funder mandates requiring open access for publications and research data. Learn about OA initiatives undertaken at UNC, as well as tips for avoiding predatory journals masquerading as legitimate OA publications. 

Author Rights: Licensing and Publication Agreements
The legalese employed by journals and publishers can be intimidating to authors when signing over a manuscript for publication. Like all other types of authors, academic scholars own the copyright of their works and can negotiate what rights they maintain and what rights they allow the publisher. Learn to decode publishing agreements and structure amendments for negotiation.

OER Publishing Platforms
This short introduction will provide the characteristics and benefits of the most common Open Educational Resources (OER) publishing platforms – including OER Commons, WordPress, Manifold, and Scholarship & Creative Works @ Digital UNC (UNC’s institutional repository). This session will assist potential authors in selecting the appropriate platform for specific needs.