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*Overview of RSCW Support

Planning Scholarship & Creative Works

Planning is an iterative process. You can save yourself a lot of time and stress by planning ahead, but you may also have to adjust your plan along the way as new challenges and opportunities arise.

Institutional Approval of Research

For research involving humans or animal subjects, all members of the UNC community are required to submit their research plans for review. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) reviews research involving human participants. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) reviews research involving animal subjects. For additional information, see Research Integrity and Compliance.

Research Plans

SAGE Research Method's Project Planner includes a mechanism for planning and tracking your research process.


There are multiple tools on campus to help researchers identify a methodology and/or instrument for research. SAGE Research Methods is a multi-media database that assists researchers in learning about and choosing an appropriate methodology.

The Research Consulting Lab and Social Research Lab are both campus entities that help researchers formulate research instruments. The Research Consulting Lab is available at no cost to the UNC Community. The Social Research Lab offers extended services (including data gathering), but costs money.

For researchers who want to use or modify an existing instrument, the Survey, Instruments and Tests library guide lists databases that index research instruments and additional methods for identifying instruments. Your subject and liaison librarian may know of additional tools for identifying research instruments in your field. If you experience difficulty in accessing an instrument you have identified, please contact your subject and liaison librarian

Planning Scholarship & Creative Works

There are multiple internal and external sources of funding for your scholarship and creative works, many of which are listed on the UNC Office of Research and Sponsored Programs website.

Get assistance with your external funding proposal from the Office of Sponsored Programs. Databases to find appropriate external funding include the Colorado Grants Guide, SPIN, and more.

Internal UNC funding is available for activities such as: traveling to make a presentation/performance, conducting original research, starting a news research project, or conducting research over the summer. To see which awards fit your needs, see the Internal Grants Matrix.

When you're at the point of publishing your work, the Fund for Faculty Publications is an award that supports publication fees for books, journals, and conference proceedings.