We are proud of our UNC open-access authors in the College of Performing & Visual Arts. Here are links to some of their open-access publications. If you do not see your open-access publication here, let us know and we will add it.
Professor Sieger Hartgers produced artwork during his Army career; it is openly accessible at the following web sites:
Berton, N., Davy-Rigaux, C., & Kauffman, D. (2005). Sequentia: An online database for research into the ecclesiastic chant and liturgy of the modern era. Journal of Seventeenth-Century Music, 11(1). Retrieved from http://sscm-jscm.press.uiuc.edu/jscm/v11/no1/kauffman.html
Professor Kauffman co-authors Sequentia, an online data base of European Catholic liturgical chant from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Professor Toby Rush offers open access to the scores and computer-generated digital audio files of some of his compositions at http://www.tobyrush.com/info/composition/index.html
Professor Anna Ursyn exhibits her art at http://www.ursyn.com/portfolio.htm