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Open Access and Authors' Rights: Blogs

Jonathan Bellman

Jonathan Bellman of UNC and Phil Ford of Indiana University collaboratively author the weblog. "Dial 'M' for Musicology."  They describe it as follows: “This is a . . . place for us to work ideas out publicly in what is still, for our field, a somewhat new medium. We are members of the American Musicological Society, but our views are entirely our own and should not be taken as representative of the AMS or any other academic organization. "Dial 'M' for Musicology" is an academic blog, but it wants to be friends with everyone. Welcome to all critics, musicians, bedroom air-guitarists, louche aesthetes, prickly autodidacts, and random passers-by!”

Lynn Klyde-Silverstein

Professor Lynn Klyde-Silverstein authors the blog, “The Cranky Copy Editor.”  She describes its purposes “. . . are to point out specific mistakes so readers can avoid making them in the future and to examine issues that affect journalism in general.”