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APA Style 7th Edition

Professional Paper Title Page & Format


Professional Paper in Microsoft Word
All Pages


  • Top - 1 inch
  • Bottom - 1 inch
  • Left - 1 inch
  • Right - 1 inch
  • Double spacing on Title Page, Text, and References (exceptions are made for Tables, Figures, Footnotes, and Equations - see the Publication Manual 2.21 (p. 45) for additional information.
Font Requirements
  • Use the same font throughout the paper.
  • Font must be accessible to all users; this means that is must be highly legible and widely available.
Recommended Fonts
  • Times New Roman - 12 point
  • Calibri - 11 point
  • Arial - 11 point
  • Lucida Sans Unicode - 10 point
  • Georgia - 11 point
  • Computer Modern - 10 point
Title Page


Running Head - in Header, left justified, all caps, no more than 50 characters in length
Page Number - in Header, right justified
Title of Paper - centered, bolded, located about 2 inches down on the page (1 inch margin + 2 inches space)
Blank Double-Spaced Line - between Title of Paper and Author
Author Name - centered
Author Affiliation - centered
Author Note (if needed) - Press Enter to move the cursor down from author affiliation line a few to several lines; Center and Bold and type Author Note; press Enter again, change to left justified and un-bold; each new paragraph should be indented; list author names and their ORCID IDs (each on a new line); funding and/or conflict of interest statements; provide contact information - mailing address and email - for corresponding author, etc. For additional formatting and content information regarding author notes, see Publication Manual Section 2.7 (pp.35-37) and Figure 2.1, p.31)
Page Break




Running Head - in Header, left justified, all caps, no more than 50 characters in length
Page Number - in Header, right justified
Heading - centered, bolded, on the first line of a new page
Abstract - an abstract is concise summary of the paper and may or not be structured; generally an abstract is 250 words or less and is presented as a single paragraph; do NOT indent the first line.
Page Break


Text of Paper


Page Number - in Header, right justified (this will likely appear automatically, depending on the word processing program you use)
Title of Paper - centered, bolded, located on the first page of the page
Indent - the first paragraph and all additional paragraphs
Page Break

Headings - If Headings are required for your paper or simply make sense for the length and flow of your paper, see Headings for format and level instructions. 




Page Number - in Header, right justified (this will likely appear automatically, depending on the word processing program you use)
References - centered and bolded on the first line of the page
Reference Citations - left justified with a hanging indent and ordered alphabetically by the the first author's last name or by group authors' first word
Order of Reference Citationsalphabetize reference list entries by the surname of the first author followed by the initials of the author's first and middle names