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Newsletter: Michener Library 50th Anniversary: Call for Stories / Photos

Michener Library Turns 50, Join Us In Reflecting Back

by Kate Johnson, Library Technician

In fall 2022 the Libraries will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary in Michener Library. The building was dedicated on October 27, 1972, and over time as the student experience has changed and transformed, so have the Libraries’ spaces. Archives & Special Collections are creating a retrospective exhibit on the history of the Libraries that will be on display during the fall semester, along with accompanying programming and celebration. In preparation for this exhibit, staff in the Archives are collecting alumni memories of Michener Library.

If you have a story or special memories associated with the building, please submit online here: 

Scaffolding on University Library during construction, early 1970s


Circulation department of Michener Library, ca. 1980s
Circulation department as seen from the staircase in Michener Library, ca. 1980s